how to do well in job interview

7 Tips to Help Nail Your Next Remote Job Interview

Job interviews are like a fun day at the theme park..said no one…ever. They’re stressful and they suck. So, how does one purge all that pre-job interview stress and focus up, so you can absolutely crush it? Preparation of course! Job interviews are just opportunities for you to sell yourself and your skills. You’re attempting to leave a first impression so memorable that you make yourself the perfect applicant. Outside of the obvious tips like staying enthusiastic, personable and positive, there are a few more things you can do to leave a lasting impression at your next job interview and some things you’ll want to avoid.

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1. Research the Company

Don’t just go in blind and wing it. Sit down for an hour before the interview and research the background of the employer you’re interviewing for and learn a few things about the industry they are involved in. A sure fire question that will be asked will be “Why do you want to work here? and the last thing you want is to have a blank confused look on your face. Instead, if you prepare, you’ll be armed with information about the company and why you are interested in working there.

Incorporate this knowledge into your responses about why you’d be a good fit to work there. A quick Google search or visit to their website will provide you with enough information to craft some talking points when that question comes up. I recommend researching the day of your interview so it’s fresh in your mind.

Related: Work From Home Scopist – The $4500 a Month Remote Job

2. Dress to Impress – Webcam Interviews Should be Treated as In-Person Interviews

Just because it’s a remote job interview doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dust off your business attire. Many companies will want to conduct an interview over webcam to get a better feel for you as an employee. If you show up to the interview in a t-shirt and slacks it could send the wrong impression. What you’re wearing will be the first thing you’re judged on so don’t lose out on getting the job because the interviewer couldn’t stop starring at your mustard stained shirt.

3. Don’t Rant

Try to refrain from ranting endlessly about yourself and how amazing you are. Strike a balance between communicating why you’d be a good fit for the job and asking questions about the company. You’re not pitching “Me: My Life Story” so be concise and don’t drone on. “My biggest weakness is I’m too much of a perfectionist” line should be avoided. Try to be genuine when asked about shortcomings or areas you could improve in.

Also, don’t be a gossip. Your interviewer doesn’t care how much you hated Karen from HR in your last job. Be appropriate and present the appearance of a calm and collected individual who will make a drama free employee.

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4. Don’t Be Late

Kind of a no brainer here, but hey, it’s happened. When it comes to remote job interviews, the old I got stuck in traffic on the highway excuse doesn’t fly. Try to be sitting down at your computer if it’s a webcam interview at least 10 minutes before the interview starts. Get comfortable and make yourself a tea to calm your nerves but don’t sip away on it during the interview. Take this opportunity to do some last minute research and get yourself focused.

5. Don’t be Afraid to Brown Nosea Bit!

I know, no one likes a suck up, but you’ll have a better chance of getting the job if the interviewer likes you. Don’t be afraid to make small talk when the moments present themselves and ask the interviewer questions about their role at the company and how they enjoy working there. If you build a connection with the person conducting the interview you’re a lot more likely to receive a callback. Be careful though, if you come on too strong they will see right through you and might think you’re being disingenuous.

Related: Work From Home Jobs Perfect for Stay at Home Moms and Dads

6. Be Familiar With Every Detail of Your Resume

Don’t go in all fuzzy about that one job you had for 6 months back in 2004. You’ll be asked questions about past work experience so don’t get caught off guard and be left blankly starring at your computer screen struggling to remember what exactly you did for that one company 15 years ago. If it’s a job your fuzzy on, take it off your Resume. If it’s not important enough to remember clearly it’s not important enough to be on your Resume.

7. Expect the Unexpected

Your interviewer may try to catch you off guard with some questions out of left field to see how you react. Answering these questions with poise and confidence will be important If the job requires you to be quick on your feet. Stay calm and take a brief moment to think about your answer before you begin talking. There’s nothing worse than starting a sentence that you have no idea where it’s going and just hoping you’ll get there in the end. We’ve all been there and given a confusing answer to a simple question just because we were caught off guard and panicked. It sucks and you can avoid this by just remaining calm and putting a brief moment of thought into every question before answering and most importantly being prepared with your research. If you know your s***, you’ll be locked and loaded with answers to just about every question.

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1 thought on “7 Tips to Help Nail Your Next Remote Job Interview”

  1. From a being a full time mom, then tried to work in the BPO industry, then went back at being a full time mom.. makes me feel insecure and not worthy of doing to contribute financially to my family. But not anymore!

    I’ve decided to have a freelancing job! As the freelancing careers in the article, there’s so many platforms, but using my previous job experience, I’ve decided to become a Virtual Assistant! Great thing cause I’m earning at the comfort of my own home while taking care of my kids.

    Hope this article inspire more full time mom like me to become productive and confident while being a loving mother!

    More power!

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